Does Marriage Really Make You Healthier? 


News Desk 

Islamabad: A recent study conducted by the University of London College has revealed that middle-aged married individuals tend to be physically fitter, exhibit a stronger grip, and walk at a faster pace compared to their unmarried counterparts.

This conclusion was drawn after analyzing data from over 20,000 participants in the United States and England. Interestingly, the study found that married individuals generally walk faster than those who are divorced, and divorced women tend to have weaker grips.

Experts speculate that the stress associated with divorce may negatively impact physical health.

This research adds to existing evidence suggesting a correlation between marriage and good health. Previous studies have indicated that married cancer patients have higher survival rates compared to single individuals.

Additionally, research from the University of California suggests that married individuals benefit from better social support, which may contribute to their resilience against diseases.

Marriage offers several hidden health benefits. One notable advantage is the reduced risk of heart attack.

Reduced Risk of Heart Attack

A clinical study conducted in Finland found that getting married can lower the risk of heart attack by 65 percent for women and 66 percent  for men.

The research, conducted at the University of Turku, also suggests that marriage decreases the likelihood of death from vascular issues across all age groups. This is attributed to married individuals leading healthier lifestyles and having access to greater social support networks.

Greater Concern for self-preservation

Married couples are less likely to engage in risky activities such as dangerous driving or avoiding harmful substances (drug use).

According to a study from Ohio State University, when people get married, their tendency to take risky actions decreases significantly, and this is probably due to the feeling of people who depend on them (wife, husband). and children) and therefore take special care of their own safety.

Less Stroke Chance

According to a study published in the journal American Stroke Association, married men have a 64 percent lower risk of having a fatal stroke than single men.

During the research, it was also revealed that a good relationship with the spouse affects the chances of stroke prevention, that is, if you are unhappy in the marriage, the risk of stroke does not decrease significantly.

According to the researchers, this may be due to the fact that married people have faster access to medical care in the event of a stroke than unmarried people, because the later medical care is received after a stroke, the greater the risk of death.

Low Stress Levels

According to a study by the University of Chicago, getting married significantly reduces the risk of depression or depression in people.

According to research, long-term relationships cause changes in hormones that cause stress. Although life after marriage is full of stress, it is much easier for married people to overcome other problems in their lives, as per researchers. 

Helps Post Surgery Recovery 

A good spouse helps in recovery after major surgery like heart bypass.

According to a University of Rochester study, happy couples are three times more likely to be alive 15 years after major surgery than single people. According to researchers, a good relationship helps people stay healthy, but only when the couple is satisfied with each other.

Protection Against Mental Illness

Married men and women have a lower risk of several mental illnesses.

According to an American study, married couples have lower rates of depression and a significantly lower risk of developing other psychological disorders than single or divorced individuals.

Better Sleep

If you have a happy relationship with your spouse, you also sleep better than in unhappy couples or single people.

According to a study by the University of Pittsburgh, if the relationship is happy after marriage, the quality of people’s sleep improves, but in unhappy couples, this sleep is likely to be affected, and if sleep is not enough, irritability and other diseases, including obesity.

Long Life

The greatest benefit of marriage is longevity. It has been revealed in various research reports that the life span of couples after marriage can increase by several years.

During a Duke University study, 5,000 people were examined and it was found that being married or not at a young age affects health risks. According to the researchers, the risk of premature death is twice as high among unmarried people.

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