Mohsin Dawar Survives Life Attempt

News Desk

Islamabad: Chairman of the National Democratic Movement (NDM) and former National Assembly member, Mohsin Dawar, narrowly survived an assassination attempt in his hometown of North Waziristan on Wednesday.

Local police reported that while Dawar was campaigning in Tappi village, shots were fired at his vehicle. Though the back glass was shattered, Dawar emerged unharmed from the attack.

Mohsin Dawar originally won the 2018 general elections as an independent candidate.

Who is Mohsin Dawar?

Mohsin Dawar is a Pakistani politician known for his activism and leadership. He gained prominence as a key figure in the Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM), advocating for the rights of Pashtuns in Pakistan’s tribal areas.

Born in North Waziristan, Dawar’s early life was marked by his activism and advocacy for the marginalized communities in the region. He emerged as a vocal voice, particularly highlighting issues such as enforced disappearances, human rights violations, and the need for greater representation and empowerment of Pashtuns.

Dawar rose to national prominence during the PTM, where he played a pivotal role in articulating the movement’s demands for justice, security, and constitutional rights for the Pashtun community.

His efforts in raising awareness about the plight of Pashtuns garnered significant attention both nationally and internationally.

In addition to his activism, Dawar entered mainstream politics and contested the 2018 general elections as an independent candidate, winning a seat in the National Assembly. His election marked a significant moment, providing a platform for the representation of Pashtuns and their grievances within the political landscape of Pakistan.

However, his journey in politics has been fraught with challenges. Dawar has faced criticism and encountered opposition due to his outspoken views and activism, often challenging the status quo and traditional power structures.

Dawar’s resilience in the face of adversity and his unwavering commitment to advocating for the rights of Pashtuns have solidified his position as a significant and influential figure in Pakistani politics. His determination to address the issues affecting marginalized communities in Pakistan continues to shape his role as a voice for the underrepresented.

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