Why Do Health Experts Associate Full Moons with Increased Activity in Hospital?


News Desk 

Islamabad: Health experts hold a curious belief about the impact of the full moon on hospital admissions. Contrary to common skepticism, they assert that upon the full moon’s appearance, there’s a noticeable rise in the number of patients seeking medical care.

Dr. John Beecher from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine shared with the American media, “Whenever the full moon rises, it becomes a topic of conversation among healthcare professionals.”

He recounted instances where hospital staff would prepare for a potential influx of patients in the emergency ward once the full moon emerged.

Beecher, drawing from his own experiences, noted a consistent pattern of increased admissions following the full moon, particularly among individuals dealing with chronic, emotional, and psychological issues.

According to reports, a study conducted by health experts supported these observations, suggesting that the lunar cycle influences the behavior of approximately 40 percent of healthcare workers.

Dr. Frederick Kip Wenger, former head of emergency medicine at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, echoed the observations regarding the full moon’s influence and shared an anecdote about a friend.

Despite witnessing some peculiar incidents during full moons, Wenger maintains skepticism towards such notions.

Additionally, a study conducted by AIMS Public Health, referenced in the report, corroborated doctors’ accounts of unusual occurrences associated with the full moon, underscoring the significance of their experiential insights.

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