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Only One Dengue Case Reported in Punjab

APP Lahore: Dengue has nearly been eradicated in Punjab with only one case reported on Sunday, according to the Health Department, urging continued Vigilance. The latest data from the Health Department indicates a significant reduction in…

One Dengue Case Reported in Punjab

APP Lahore: Dengue is effectively under control in the province, as only one case emerged in Punjab on Sunday, according to the latest Health Department report. Across 36 districts in Punjab this year, a total of four confirmed dengue…

Punjab Witnesses Decrease in Dengue

APP Lahore: In a promising development, a recent dip in temperatures across Punjab has resulted in a noteworthy decrease in dengue cases, with only three confirmed cases reported on Sunday. Fresh data released by the Health Department…

FIA Arrests CNIC Counterfeiters

APP Islamabad: The Federal Investigation Agency’s (FIA) Anti-Corruption Circle in Islamabad on Tuesday apprehended a four-member gang allegedly involved in distributing counterfeit CNICs to non-nationals. Acting under the guidance of…