Miracles happen even in US: Baby born on Feb 22, 2022 at 2:22 pm in a hospital Room 2

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A baby girl named Juda Grace Spare, the first child of Abril and Hank Spears of North Carolina, was born on February 22, 2022 at 2:22 pm in a hospital Room 2.

Is this a coincidence or what?

“The medical team chanted slogans of happiness after the birth of the baby,” Abril told the media.

She said, ‘I thought it was because she was born, but when I saw my husband and asked when she was born, he said,’ 2:22, and It was weird because we were in Room 2 at the time and the baby weighed 122 ounces.”


The 27-year-old Abril calls her daughter’s birth a miracle for another reason. She was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a type of cancer in 2014, and was told she might never become a mother.

She said, “I was told at the time of the diagnosis that it would be almost impossible to get married and start a family. Other methods of childbirth were so expensive that we could not adopt them,”

Spears told the media that Abril was later given chemotherapy, which also affected her ability to conceive, but in 2020 she was declared cancer-free.

Subsequent, to our delight and amazement, she became pregnant and on February 20 she was admitted into the hospital to give birth and 26 hours later the baby was born.


According to the US National Weather Service, the birth of such an amazing combination of numbers will not happen for the next 400 years. The next time this will happen be on 2422.

The date of birth for Abril is even more of interest because she loves numbers in Math.

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