Innocence for Sale

Asem Mustafa Awan

Islamabad: In a shocking revelation of moral bankruptcy and societal decay, a distressing incident has come to light, shedding light on the harrowing depths of human desperation and the callous exploitation of innocence.

Hassan Siddique, driven by abject poverty, made the heart-wrenching decision to sell his four-month-old child, Subhan, to a man named Mulazim Hussain.

What is even more appalling is that the transaction was facilitated with legal documentation, legitimizing the sale in the eyes of the law.

The agreed sum for this unfathomable exchange was a mere Rs. 150,000, a paltry amount compared to the invaluable worth of a child’s life.

Mulazim Hussain, adamant on covering his tracks, insisted on the execution of a legal document on a Rs 1200 stamp paper, a move aimed at providing legal cover to this despicable transaction.

The audacity of such a transaction, conducted openly and brazenly, sends shockwaves through society, exposing the depths of moral degradation that plague our nation.

This grotesque incident has not only made headlines but has also sparked widespread outrage and disbelief.

While legal technicalities may provide a thin veil of legitimacy, the ethical implications of such a transaction cannot be ignored. The very idea of a child being put up for sale, with a price tag hanging around their neck, is an affront to humanity and a stark reminder of the moral bankruptcy that grips our society.

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This appalling episode underscores the urgent need for systemic change and societal introspection. It lays bare the stark realities of poverty, desperation, and exploitation that continue to afflict large segments of our population.

As policy-makers and authorities grapple with the aftermath of this incident, they must confront the root causes that drive such abhorrent practices.

The story of Hassan and Subhan serves as a chilling reminder of the stark inequalities and injustices that pervade our society.

It is a damning indictment of a system that has failed to provide for its most vulnerable members and has allowed greed and exploitation to flourish unchecked.

As we reflect on this distressing episode, let us not turn a blind eye to the suffering and indignity faced by countless others like Hassan and Subhan.

Let their plight serve as a clarion call for action and change, as we strive to build a society where such atrocities have no place and where every child is valued, cherished, and protected.

The writer is a journalist based in Islamabad and writes on a wide range of issues.

Photo credit: Muslim Hands Website

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