Gilgit Gets First Training Centre

News Desk

Gilgit: Gilgit-Baltistan Environmental Protection Agency (GB-EPA) partnered with conFIDE Pakistan to inaugurate the groundbreaking Training and Production (T&P) Centre on July 18 in Damote, Sai, and Juglote. The primary aim is to empower local women by offering them essential training and employment opportunities.

The project has been instrumental in training 25 women, equipping them with fundamental cutting and cloth bag stitching skills. This innovative initiative not only serves as an avenue for skill development but also introduces an eco-friendly substitute to combat the use of single-use plastic bags. Simultaneously, it opens doors for employment prospects for women in the region.

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Notably, the participants in these training sessions were all young, educated girls from the local village. This highlights the initiative’s focus on education and inclusivity, fostering the empowerment of women in these communities.

The trained individuals are poised to join the conFIDE production center imminently. Their role will involve crafting reusable cotton bags tailored for local shops and retailers in the bustling Juglote and Gilgit markets. By doing so, they not only contribute to the local economy but also champion the cause of environmental sustainability by promoting the use of eco-friendly alternatives.

This strategic collaboration between GB-EPA and conFIDE Pakistan serves as a beacon of empowerment and sustainability, illustrating how small-scale initiatives can catalyze significant positive change within communities. The potential ripple effect of this endeavor extends beyond the economic realm, encompassing social empowerment and environmental consciousness.

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