Experts Urge Regulatory Body to Curb Mental Health Malpractices


Islamabad: The Head of the Psychology Department at the National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Dr Ulfat, has called for the establishment of a regulatory body specifically for psychologists.

This body would be responsible for registering practitioners, setting rules, and providing an ethical foundation for the profession.

Speaking to APP on Saturday, Dr Ulfat pointed out that while there are regulatory bodies such as the Nursing Council, Tib Council, and Homeopathic Council, it is surprising that no such council exists for psychologists, despite mental health being a critical global issue.

“There is no forum where a patient can file a complaint when things go wrong,” she emphasized.

Dr Ulfat highlighted the concerning trend of unqualified individuals entering the counseling field, often portraying themselves as life coaches, gurus, or motivational speakers without proper psychological training.

She expressed alarm that some non-professionals are even prescribing mental health medications, a task that should be reserved for psychiatrists.

She also warned that young female psychologists might be unaware of the risks posed by certain clients who exploit them for inappropriate conversations. Less experienced professionals, she noted, are often unable to recognize these situations.

Dr. Ulfat expressed concern that students with limited knowledge often enter the field of counseling, struggling to manage complex and chronic cases. She noted that while online healthcare platforms were a blessing during the COVID-19 pandemic, some unqualified psychologists exploited these platforms for financial gain.

In addition, Kiran Aamir, Director of Psychaffinity, stressed the urgent need for mental health laws in Pakistan. She highlighted the mistreatment of addicts at some rehabilitation centers and called for the establishment of Psychiatric Community Centers similar to those in developed countries.

Kiran Aamir also pointed out that current health regulatory bodies lack the expertise to properly monitor rehabilitation centers, as their focus is primarily on traditional hospitals and clinics. She urged the Pakistan Psychological Association to take a more active role in promoting authentic rehabilitation centers and addressing malpractice within the community.

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