Excise Officials Target Unregistered Vehicles, Collect Millions



Islamabad: The Excise and Taxation (E&T) Department has ramped up efforts to enforce traffic laws, focusing on recovering taxes and regulating vehicles that violate excise regulations.

E&T Department Director Bilal Azam announced that a daily operation targeting non-compliant vehicles has led to significant revenue generation, with the department collecting Rs 17.2 million in fines and taxes over the past month.

According to the latest report, E&T staff collected a total of Rs 17,204,676 through various operations conducted across the city. This initiative aims to tackle issues such as unregistered vehicles, improper number plates, tinted windows, and unpaid token taxes.

Excise officers have been actively conducting checks on highways, busy markets, and key locations in Islamabad. Azam emphasized that the campaign is designed to ensure compliance with traffic laws and recover dues from defaulters.

In the past month, the department acted against 385 vehicles with black-tinted windows, resulting in fines totalling Rs 4,335,000. Additionally, 461 vehicles lacking proper registration plates were penalized, leading to recoveries of Rs 10,540,416.

The crackdown also identified vehicles that failed to pay their token taxes, recovering Rs 2,199,260 from defaulters. Furthermore, nine vehicles were found using unauthorized police revolving lights, resulting in the confiscation of the lights and fines of Rs 130,000.

Director Bilal Azam urged citizens to comply with excise laws to avoid penalties. He stressed the importance of removing non-standard number plates, black-tinted windows, and unauthorized lights, while also reminding vehicle owners to settle outstanding token taxes and register unregistered vehicles promptly.

The E&T Department reaffirmed its commitment to continuing operations across Islamabad, taking strict action against vehicles that violate excise regulations, with the goal of enhancing road safety in the city.

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