Doctors on High Alert at LGH for Heatwave Response


Lahore: Post Graduate Medical Institute Principal Prof Al-Fareed Zafar has said health professionals will be on alert to treat people affected by weather/ heat stroke in the Lahore General Hospital (LCH) and medical facilities will be provided free. 

In a press statement, he highlighted that due to global warming and increasing pollution, the incidence of heat stroke was constantly increasing.

As the temperature increases, the internal system of the body is affected. 

Assistant Professor of Medicine Dr Muhammad Maqsood said that the symptoms of heat stroke include dry skin, confusion, difficulty in walking, vomiting, unusual or inappropriate behavior, rapid heartbeat, breathing, unconsciousness and seizures while muscle stiffness, not sweating despite extreme heat, excessive fatigue and nausea are also early common symptoms.

If these symptoms appear, seek medical attention.

Gynecologist Dr Laila Shafiq said that it is important to take precautionary measures to avoid extreme weather and heat stroke.

Avoid going out in hot weather. If you have to go out, cover your head with a wet cloth or towel and also avoid wearing dark colored clothing and especially black color when going out. Increase consumption of liquids like lassi and yogurt and drink at least four liters of water throughout the day.

Use ORS to replenish the salt deficiency in the body and also be sure to use an umbrella to avoid the sun.

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