CPDI Urges Strengthening of RAI Act 2017 To Empower Citizens

News Desk

Islamabad: The proposed amendment to the Right of Access to Information (RAI) Act 2017 is seen as regressive, hypocritical, and objectionable as it seeks to exclude Parliament from the purview of citizens’ right to information.

The Centre for Peace and Development Initiatives (CPDI) is concerned about the proposed amendment which is currently under review by the Senate Standing Committee on Information, and has urged the Parliament to reject the efforts by some senators to weaken the law and instead set very high standards of transparency and citizens’ access to information in the administration of parliamentary secretariats and parliamentary proceedings, including those held in committees.

In this regard, CPDI Executive Director Mukhtar Ahmad Ali has written letters to National Assembly Speaker Raja Pervez Ashraf, Senate Standing Committee on Information Chairmen Faisal Javed Khan and other senators, urging them to play a positive role in ensuring that the regressive amendment is rejected and, instead, the RAI Act 2017 is further strengthened to allow citizens easy access to maximum information.

The organization has also submitted an analysis of the RAI Act 2017, including recommendations for its improvement based on regional and international best practices.

It has requested that its recommendations be duly considered by the government and the parliament in order to ensure that the Act meets recognized standards like maximum disclosure, obligation to publish, minimal exceptions, and cost-effective access to information.

CPDI has also suggested that open meetings be held by the Senate Committee on Information to hear the views and suggestions of experts and relevant civil society groups. By holding such open meetings and providing an opportunity for civil society organisations to share their suggestions, the committee will set a highly commendable precedent for other committees to follow and improve the quality of legislation.

Moreover, it has also requested that the office of the Speaker of the National Assembly use its influence to ensure that the relevant forums give serious consideration to civil society recommendations and provide civil society organisations with adequate opportunities to personally share their views and suggestions with the concerned standing committee.

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