Chewing Gum Releases Microplastics into Human Mouths: Study


News Desk

Islamabad: Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) have identified chewing gum as an unexpected source of microplastic exposure.

A study, announced on Tuesday, revealed that gum releases hundreds of microscopic plastic particles directly into the human mouth, raising fresh concerns about everyday microplastic contamination.

Microplastics—tiny plastic fragments found in oceans, air, and even remote mountaintops—have long been a subject of global scientific scrutiny. This latest UCLA study uncovers yet another overlooked pathway through which these particles enter the human body.

“I don’t want to alarm people,” said Sanjay Mohanty, the study’s lead researcher and a professor at UCLA.

“However, our findings highlight a previously unexamined source of microplastics.” While the long-term health effects of microplastic ingestion remain uncertain, Mohanty emphasized that the discovery warrants concern.

How the Study Was Conducted

Lisa Lowe, a PhD student at UCLA, chewed seven pieces of gum from ten different brands as part of the research. Chemical analysis of her saliva revealed that a single gram of gum released an average of 100 microplastic fragments, with some brands shedding over 600.

Given that a standard stick of gum weighs around 1.5 grams, an individual chewing 180 pieces annually could ingest up to 30,000 microplastic particles.

Although this number is lower than microplastic exposure from other sources—a liter of bottled water, for example, can contain up to 240,000 microplastic pieces—Mohanty noted that chewing gum represents a previously ignored method of ingestion.

Gum Composition and Microplastic Release

Most commercial chewing gums are synthetic, containing petroleum-based polymers. However, ingredient labels often list only the vague term “gum-based” without specifying plastic content. “Nobody will tell you the actual ingredients,” Mohanty remarked.

The study also examined natural gums made from plant-based polymers, such as tree sap, and found that they, too, contained microplastics. According to Lowe, most of the microplastic release occurred within the first eight minutes of chewing.

Environmental Concerns

David Jones, a researcher at the University of Portsmouth in the UK who was not involved in the study, described the findings as “not at all surprising.” He noted that some of the detected microplastics might come from external sources rather than the gum itself but acknowledged the study’s significance.

“People are often shocked when they learn that chewing gum contains similar components to car tires, plastic bags, and bottles,” Jones added.

Beyond potential health risks, Lowe highlighted the environmental consequences of improperly discarded gum. “The plastic pollution from gum is a significant issue, especially when people spit it onto sidewalks,” she said.

The study has been submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal and was presented at the American Chemical Society meeting in San Diego. A request for comment from Wrigley, the world’s largest chewing gum manufacturer, went unanswered.

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