Laborer Appeals to Mayam Nawaz for Safety Amidst Threats from Owner


Shazia Mehboob

Islamabad: Allah Rakh, a 46-year-old laborer from Burmawalla, Tehsil Punjab, has appealed to Chief Minister Punjab, Mayam Nawaz, to take notice of the threatening calls from a brick kiln owner. He requests urgent intervention to ensure their safety and the recovery of their livelihoods.

Talking to The, Allah Rakha said that he and his family are currently fleeing to escape severe threats and inhumane treatment from a brick kiln owner.

The brick kiln owner has subjected their son to forced labor and is now threatening them with kidnapping and confiscation of their livelihoods if they do not return.

Despite their efforts to seek safety, they continue to receive threatening calls. Allah Rakh seeks immediate intervention to save his son’s life and secure justice for the brutal treatment they have endured.

It is to mention here that the poor family took out a loan seven years ago to manage an emergency situation.

Although they repaid the loan within the first two years, they are now being threatened with the confiscation of their animals and goods, and possible legal action if they don’t pay the remaining amount of Rs 151,000. This is the distressing situation faced by 46-year-old Allah Rakha and his young son, Abdul Waheed.

Rakha says, “We took out a loan of Rs 60,000 from our brick kiln owner seven years ago. Our family of three has been working for them since then, with a deduction in our labor wages from Rs 150 to Rs 250 per month. Despite this, we are now being threatened by the owner to pay the remaining loan amount of more than Rs 150,000 or face legal action and the confiscation of our animals and goods.”

Rakha, his wife, and their two children—a son and a daughter—are in hiding somewhere in Punjab, fearing retaliation from the brick kiln owner (name). They approached the court and were freed from forced labor through the Lahore High Court (LHC)’s local branch.

“I am afraid my son Abdul could be kidnapped or falsely implicated in a case,” Rakha expressed his fear.

“We are homeless and have nothing left to live on, including clothes, utensils, and other essentials. Our livelihood has been left behind at the brick kiln owner’s shelter, and he has confiscated everything, including animals and other goods worth an estimated Rs 400,000.”

“What’s more miserable is that we have no proof, as the receipts of payment were left with our belongings and are now with the brick kiln administration,” lamented Allah Rakha, his voice filled with fear during his interview with

“I am not lying. I don’t need to earn through corrupt means; I just want my basic rights and the opportunity to serve,” said Rakha, explaining his stance against the powerful owner.

Although we have been freed from forced labour after the LHC order, execution of court order for our confiscated goods is yet to be implemented, said Rakha.

It is worth mentioning that the court ordered the DCO Vehari to ensure the recovery of their belongings, but delay tactics were employed.

“There is no difference between the Punjab Labour Department and the brick kiln owner of Burewala. Both treat us the same, and they are in agreement to suppress our rights, perpetuating the cycle of forced labor,” said a labour rights activist Israr Ahmed*.

A local activist, speaking on condition of anonymity, revealed that he and other activists recently met with the DCO to request the recovery of Allah Rakha’s assets from the brick kiln owner, as directed by court orders.

However, the DCO instructed them to submit a written application and mandated a further inquiry to investigate both parties before implementing the court’s decision.

The activist expressed frustration, noting that Allah Rakha has become disheartened and lost motivation due to the prolonged and cumbersome process.

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