Young Girl Loses Eyes in Khairpur Dog Attack


News Desk 

Khairpur: In a tragic incident in Khairpur, Sindh, a 4-year-old girl was brutally attacked by stray dogs while playing outside her home. 

The incident occurred near Kot Diji, where the stray dogs attacked Dua Batul, gouging out both her eyes and leaving her seriously injured.

According to local sources, the injured girl was initially taken to a hospital in Khairpur in critical condition. As her situation deteriorated, she was transferred to a medical facility in Larkana for further treatment.

Residents of Kot Diji Tehsil have expressed outrage over the growing menace of stray dogs in the area and are calling on the local administration to take immediate action to address the problem and prevent further tragedies.

This incident has brought to light the urgent need for effective measures to control the stray dog population in the region.

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