Your Keyboard Could Be Dirtier Than Your Toilet Seat

News Desk

Islamabad: Health experts caution that computer keyboards and similar technological devices, such as ATM machines, may carry more bacteria than toilets.

Contrary to common belief, keyboards are not just innocuous tools; they are teeming with bacteria, particularly when used by multiple individuals.

Keyboards used by different people, especially in shared spaces like offices, can host a higher concentration of bacteria than toilet seats, warn the experts.

The lack of consistent cleanliness practices among users in public places, combined with the potential for infections among individuals using keyboards, underscores the need for awareness.

Notably, keyboards can harbor dangerous bacteria, as highlighted by the practices of medical professionals like doctors and nurses in hospitals.

They often use protective equipment, including gloves, when interacting with computers, recognizing the potential health risks associated with bacterial contamination.

While bacteria on keyboards may not necessarily lead to severe diseases, experts caution that they can sometimes cause complicated infections that pose risks to human health.

This emphasizes the importance of maintaining hygiene and cleanliness when using shared technology devices.

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