Young Generation Faces Risk of Heart Attacks: Dr Azhar Kayani


Islamabad: An increasing number of heart attacks among the younger population has raised serious concern among medical practitioners about pre-disposed or genetic conditions in today’s youth, said Cardiologist Dr Azhar Mahmood Kayani.

Heart strokes are the world’s leading causes of death, claiming millions of lives each year.

Experts on Sunday warned that sedentary lifestyles, unhealthy eating habits, stress and obesity are the primary causes behind young people’s developing cardiac problems.

Experts said that the younger generation today is unaware of health risks and the perception among youngsters that they are in their best of health, which often leads to their problems remaining undiagnosed as they believe that they are in their peak of health and they do not need any medications or diagnosis.

Dr Azhar advised that regular walking and moderation in food habits are the simplest yet powerful habits that people can inculcate to reduce risk to their hearts considerably.

Every individual has a different body makeup and has a different ability to bear stress, but maintaining a proper lifestyle and staying physically active are the best things one can do to reduce the risk of heart attacks, Dr Kayani added.

Dr Mahmood also advised that young people in their 30s with a family history of cardiovascular diseases undergo medical checkups regularly.

Cardiologist strongly recommends that people not ignore early warning signs like breathlessness, chest pain, excessive sweating, dizziness, etc. and seek medical care in time.

The number of people battling heart diseases is steadily rising, especially during the winter, heart expert said, adding that it is believed that cold weather affects the heart in many ways.

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