Winter’s First Rain, Snowfall Arrives In AJK

News Desk

Mirpur: The rainfall in various parts of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), including Mirpur, turned the weather chilly on Monday, and people went into heavy clothing for the first time ever since the winter season started in full form on Thursday.

AJK received the first rainfall of the winter, besides the snowfall in the upper reaches of the territory.

Weather turned chilly instantly as various parts of Mirpur district, the city of Muzaffarabad, Jhelum valley, Kotli, Bhimbher, Rawalakot, and other areas of the state lashed with the inaugural downpour of the winter coupled with a mild thunder storm. While, snow fell at certain parts of the mountainous Neelam and Leepa valleys on Monday.

In Mirpur, the rains, with a wind storm of mild intensity, started in the wee hours and continued intermittently until the filing of this report this afternoon.

The Met Office has predicted the continuation of the rainfall in plains and snowfall at the top mountainous parts of the AJK during the next 24 hours. The entire region has been passing through dry weather for many months.

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