Wildfires Ravage Forests in AJK, KP

News Desk 

Islamabad: Massive wildfires have engulfed the forests of Mirah and Kakni Bagah in Nikyal, Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), creating a suffocating blanket of thick smoke that has made breathing difficult for residents and threatens nearby settlements.

The raging flames have destroyed valuable timber, devastated wildlife, and left local residents struggling to contain the fire without any official assistance. The cries of distressed animals echo through the forests, amplifying the tragedy.

Similar incidents were reported in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, where a wildfire erupted in the Akakhel mountainous range of Bara, Khyber District. Strong winds accelerated the fire’s spread, endangering surrounding localities and burning large swaths of trees and shrubs.

Despite the growing danger, no fire brigade or district administration officials had arrived at the scene by the time of reporting.

In Upper Dir, another jungle fire prompted Civil Defence personnel and locals to step in and battle the flames in the absence of formal support. The causes of the fires in both Khyber and Dir remain unclear, leaving communities vulnerable and exposed to recurring threats.

These incidents underscore the urgent need for comprehensive fire management strategies to protect lives, wildlife, and natural resources in the region.

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