Weather Woes For Olympians: Paris Grapple With Heatwaves


Paris: The wider Paris region is put on a severe storm alert Tuesday as the city hosts the Olympic Games, with heavy rain, strong thunderstorms, hail and lightning forecast from 6pm, informed France’s weather service.

According to the weather service, this could be accompanied by intense precipitation (around 20mm to 40mm in less than an hour), with the impact being very localised and lasting until about midnight, the service added.

The storm alert comes as Paris swelters in heat forecast to reach 35°C (95 Fahrenheit) on Tuesday, as it hosts the fourth day of the Games. The scorching temperatures will be keenly felt by Olympians competing in outdoor events, including beach volleyball at the Eiffel Tower and the women’s rugby semi-finals at the Stade de France.

Other cities in France hosting Olympic events have also been affected by a strong heatwave, with temperatures in some central and southern parts hitting 40°C in recent days.

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