Water Purification Medicines Needed in Flood-Affected Areas


Islamabad: NHEPRN Director General Dr Sabina Durrani on Tuesday stressed for provision of potable water in flood-hit areas as stomach-related infections and skin diseases are dangerously high.

In an exclusive interview, National Health Emergency Preparedness Response Network (NHEPRN) Director General and Focal Person Dr Sabina Durrani urged that people should donate aqua water purification medicines and dry food among flood affectees, adding, “We had set up teams to prepare stock of medicines and materials such as water purification powder and drinking water containers that are required.”

She explained that this was because severe epidemics of waterborne diseases like cholera, typhoid, diarrhea, malaria, and skin-related diseases have all been linked to contaminated drinking water.

According to Dr Sabina, the Ministry of Health is collaborating with the provincial governments to make sure that all impacted parts of the country have access to basic water, sanitation, and hygiene services to stop significant disease outbreaks.

DG NHEPRN suggested that all partners and stakeholders including civil society organizations and NGOs should come together and join hands with the government to address the issue of rising population growth by taking into account issues related to family planning and reproductive health.

Dr Sabina stated that awareness among people about population is the need of the hour, and population management and large dams can play a significant role in controlling floods in the future.

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