Unlocking Youth Potential through Skills


Khawaja Tariq

Islamabad: In today’s rapidly evolving world, the demand for skilled professionals is ever-increasing. To bridge the gap between job opportunities and the skill sets of young people, comprehensive technical skill training is essential.

This article explores the key components of such training and highlights the need for a unified approach involving government, the private sector, and industry.

It also examines initiatives to encourage small enterprise growth through interest-free loans.

Before the training program, the pre-training assessment is essential.

Proper selection of students and trades is crucial to meet community needs and individual aspirations.

Thorough assessment and counseling sessions, led by career counselors and vocational experts, help students identify their interests, strengths, and career goals.

Collaboration between government agencies, private sector stakeholders, and industries is vital to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment.

This ensures that training programs are tailored to meet local job market demands, increasing employability and addressing industry-identified skill gaps.

Students should receive training at well-reputed institutes equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and experienced instructors.

Practical hands-on experience is essential for mastering technical skills, so training programs should emphasize experiential learning through workshops, labs, and real-world projects.

In addition to technical skills, students should receive comprehensive career counseling and life skills classes, including business management sessions and brainstorming workshops to plan their future careers.

Government policies should incentivize private sector involvement in providing internships, mentorship programs, and apprenticeships, ensuring holistic support for career development.

Pakistan’s Brain Drain Crisis

Post-training support is equally crucial for the successful transition of students into the workforce.

This includes facilitating internships with reputable companies or organizations where students can gain practical experience and apply their skills.

A unified national policy should prioritize supporting small enterprises through interest-free loans.

Offering financial assistance and incentives to budding entrepreneurs fosters a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation, creating more opportunities for youth employment and economic growth.

Showcasing success stories of alumni at the national level can inspire current students and motivate them to strive for excellence.

These stories highlight the transformative impact of technical skill training and demonstrate the potential for personal and professional growth.

Addressing the issue of fake certifications, which undermine the credibility of training programs, is also necessary.

A national authority should conduct practical tests and issue certifications, ensuring transparency and requiring trainers to undergo practical tests before employment.

Additionally, educating employees about their rights and benefits before they leave for employment abroad is essential.

This includes understanding contract terms, salary packages, medical facilities, and leave entitlements, ensuring they are well-informed and prepared.

By implementing a unified national policy that integrates government, the private sector, and industries into youth technical skill training initiatives, and supports small enterprise growth through interest-free loans, we can unlock the full potential of our youth.

This approach will equip them with the necessary tools for success and pave the way for a brighter future for our communities and nation. Investing in our youth today secures a prosperous tomorrow.

The article is the writer’s opinion, it may or may not adhere to the organization’s editorial policy.

The writer has 22 years of experience and is the author of two books on vocational and technical education. He has played a key role in various projects, including NRSP LEP, NRSP-PPAF, UCBPRP Sindh, IFAD SPPAP, ILO AJK, BRSP, Patrip, Sungi KP, IRD FATA, SEF, and FATA Secretariat, all executed in coordination with the Government of Pakistan.

  1. Khan Zeb says

    A very useful read. I adhere to the notion that Technical Education should not be taken for granted anymore rather it should be taken a serious business if all the stackholders (instructors, students, authorities) really look for a secure tomorrow. All in all, the read contains food for the thought for all those who may concern

  2. Khawaja safi says


  3. Ziad Ahsan says

    Great article based on experiences of two decades

  4. Abdul Latif says

    Skill for employability is essential in current scenario of world. Excellent mentioned and elaborated different spects of vocational and technological developments.

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