Under YES in FY 2021-22: Only seven transgender persons managed to get soft loan

News Desk

ISLAMABAD: As the male budding entrepreneurs take a major chunk of total loan disbursement under the Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme (YES), only seven transgender persons managed to avail the facility during the fiscal year 2021-22.

The previous government launched the YES with Rs 100 billion allocations in 2018 to help youth start their own businesses by providing them loans up to Rs 25 million.

According to a budgetary document, an amount of Rs 33.7 billion was disbursed among 21,583 youth under the scheme.

Out of the total disbursement, subsidized loans worth Rs 30,963.8 million were given to 18,837 male entrepreneurs, while Rs 2,611.5 million to 2,703 females and Rs 20.3 million to only seven transgender persons.

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