Trump Slams Harris on Economy Ahead of Major Policy Rollout


Asheville: Donald Trump launched a fierce critique of the Biden administration’s economic record on Wednesday, just days before Kamala Harris unveils her plan to address living costs in her first major policy speech as the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee.

In a meandering address that lacked specific details, Trump alleged that his Democratic rival would trigger another Great Depression if elected, pledging instead to boost wages and “make America affordable again.”

“Under Kamala Harris and crooked Joe Biden, the American Dream is dead. You don’t hear about the American Dream anymore — it’s dead,” Trump declared in Asheville, a liberal stronghold in the pivotal swing state of North Carolina.

He accused Harris’s “radical liberal policies” of causing severe inflation, destroying the middle class, and depleting the finances of countless American families.

Consumer inflation, a central issue in the campaign, showed signs of easing, with new government figures revealing a decrease to 2.9 percent in July — the lowest since March 2021. This development has been met with optimism by those advocating for lower interest rates.

Trump acknowledged that inflation was “starting to maybe get under control,” but he also criticized Harris, claiming she “has crackled as the American economy has burned” — a term that might have been a mispronunciation of “cackled,” a word Trump has previously used to describe her laugh.

Polls indicate that a slightly higher number of Americans trust Harris to manage the economy compared to Trump, and she leads or ties the Republican in every battleground state except Nevada, according to the influential Cook Political Report.

‘Not Very Smart’

Harris, who replaced President Joe Biden on the Democratic ticket last month, has been enjoying a surge of enthusiasm, addressing packed arenas and surpassing Trump’s polling leads, prompting him to refocus his campaign strategy.

Republicans have urged Trump to concentrate on issues rather than resorting to personal attacks, which alienate moderate voters crucial for a November victory. However, Trump disregarded this advice, frequently mispronouncing Harris’s name and labeling her an “incompetent socialist lunatic” with a “crazy person” laugh.

Trump’s speeches have often strayed from reality, featuring familiar fantastical claims such as zero inflation during his presidency, the largest tax cuts in history, and various other inaccuracies. His statements also included falsehoods about personal hardships, health insurance cuts, and new categories of crime.

“He lied. He rambled. He yelled,” the Harris campaign said in response.

‘Bigger, Better, and Stronger’

When addressing the economy, Trump focused primarily on criticizing Harris for policies she has since rejected. He promised significant economic improvements, stating, “Vote Trump and your incomes will soar, your savings will grow, young people will be able to afford a home.” He vowed to restore the American Dream “bigger, better, and stronger than ever before.”

Although he did not provide specific details on achieving these goals, Trump promised to issue an executive order in a second term to “use every tool and authority at their disposal” to “defeat inflation.”

Trump did make one concrete policy promise: to cut energy costs by half within 12 months. However, this pledge quickly became an 18-month target before Trump seemed to retract it.

“And if it doesn’t work out, you’ll say, ‘Oh, well — I voted for him,'” Trump said.

Harris is scheduled to unveil her much-anticipated plan on Friday in Raleigh, North Carolina, aiming to lower costs of health care, housing, and groceries for middle-class families, and to combat corporate price gouging.

“Building up the middle class will be the defining goal of Vice President Harris’s presidency,” said Harris campaign spokesman Ammar Moussa in a statement.

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