Trump Embraces Faith, Family in Glitzy Convention Finale


Milwaukee: As he basked in the glitz of the Republican National Convention’s closing night, Donald Trump’s bandaged ear served as a vivid reminder of his uncanny ability to turn adversity into triumph. 

Multiple speakers in Milwaukee suggested it was divine intervention that had saved him from assassination at the hands of a gunman in Pennsylvania last week, and the crowd roared as Trump declared: “I had God on my side.”

It was a night full of religious invocations, and TV evangelist Franklin Graham, one of the warm-up acts, set the tone by incorporating Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan into a prayer. 

Trump himself projected an aura that was more grandfatherly than messianic. 

“Together, we will launch a new era of safety, prosperity, and freedom for citizens of every race, religion, color, and creed,” he vowed. “The discord and division in our society must be healed.”

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