Totti: Triumph Over Trials, Police Corruption

Shazia Mehboob/Asem Mustafa

Islamabad: In a world filled with untold stories of courage and resilience, Totti, a transgender individual, stands as a beacon of hope for many. Her journey from begging on the streets to making an honest living by selling products is not only an inspiring tale but also a stark revelation of the harrowing experiences she faced at the hands of the Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) Police, an entity meant to uphold the law and protect citizens.

Tooti’s life took a dramatic turn as she transitioned from a life of begging in the federal capital to becoming a self-made entrepreneur. No longer does she fear arrest or cower in the face of police corruption. In an exclusive interview with PenPk, she opened up about her life as a beggar and the exploitation she endured at the hands of corrupt police officers.

Watch Interview:

For years, Totti, like many others from her community, paid ‘protection money’ to police officials to avoid being arrested. It was a grim reality she and her peers had to accept to survive. She recalls the distressing moments when police officers not only extorted money from her but also forcefully demanded additional shares of the protection funds.

Tooti possesses names and evidence, putting a question mark on the credibility of law enforcement in the capital. It’s a reminder that corruption has infiltrated even the entities entrusted with upholding the law.

Totti’s story is not unique in Pakistan. Countless transgender individuals face similar challenges, discrimination and persecution. Their limited access to education and job opportunities often leaves them marginalised, making them easy targets for society’s frustration.

Read More About Totti:

While it’s true that cases of murder and acid attacks on transgender individuals have decreased thanks to better policing, the community continues to live in fear. Totti’s testimonial video stands as a testament to the pervasive corruption within law enforcement agencies, hindering progress towards a just society.

Totti’s revelations should serve as a wake-up call, especially since such occurrences are not limited to the capital; they sporadically make headlines in other parts of the country as well.

The transgender community needs acceptance and equality. It’s high time to recognise their basic human rights, treat them with respect and ensure their inclusion in society. Tooti’s story is not just an individual’s tale but a reflection of the collective struggle for a more inclusive and just Pakistan.

This insightful account reminds us that a better future for Pakistan’s transgender community can only be achieved through open dialogue, policy reform and a commitment to treating them as the humans they are.

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