The Story of Qawwali

Islamabad: The Asian Study Group (ASG) and Pakistan National Council of the Arts (PNCA) organized a comprehensive programme on the origin, history, evolution, art, popularity, tradition, and performance of Qawwali to entertain the audience of twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad late Tuesday.

The show titled “The Story of Qawwali”, renowned writer, speaker, and ethnomusicologist Ally Adnan conducted the programme, including demonstrations and short performances of Qawwali by the celebrated Ghayoor-Moiz-Mustafa Qawwal and Party.

It covered topics including the origin and evolution of qawwali, the various genres and forms, Amir Khusrau’s contribution, the etiquette of participating in performance and the essential elements.

In shedding light on Sufism, the music of Pakistan and Northern India emphasis was put on the importance for us to educate the world about the rich, syncretic culture of South Asia.  “We have conducted more than fifty seminars about Qawwali, with Ally Adnan, all over the world, but this one was arguably the best one thus far,” said Ghayoor Ahmed the leader of the Ghayoor-Moiz-Mustafa Qawwal.

The audience gave us its undivided attention for two full hours and listened to the programme with love, interest, and sincerity. Such an audience brings out the best in performing artists, he added. APP

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