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Election Day: Voters Dilemma

Ishtiaq Ahmed London: Pakistan is all set to go to the polls tomorrow, February 8, 2024, against the backdrop of high inflation, economic stagnation, mounting national debt, stringent IMF bailout conditions, unemployment, rising costs of…

The Road To The Ballot Box

Ishtiaq Ahmed Islamabad (Part 2): Pakistan is inching towards national and provincial elections set for 8th February 2024. The country is inevitably gripped by the election fever. The party political campaigns are blazingly hot. Billions…

President Attempts To End Crisis

Asem Mustafa Awan President Dr Arif Alvi has announced the schedule to hold the Punjab and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa assemblies elections on April 9. Clause 57-2 of the Constitution grants the president the authority to set the election date.…