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Do Muslims Scare You?

News Desk  Islamabad: A book titled "Do Muslims Scare You?", a comprehensive guide for journalists on Islamophobia, was launched in Islamabad on Thursday.  Authored by Osama bin Javed, the event was organized by the National…

My Bradford

Ishtiaq Ahmed  Bradford: Bradford, in West Yorkshire, is the 6th most populous district in England with a population of around 550,000. A quarter of the district’s population is of the Muslim faith predominantly living in the city of…

The Significance of Karbala

Ishtiaq Ahmed  London: Intrinsically, there is a strong correlation between the month of Dhul-Hajj and the month of Muharram in the Islamic calendar. Dhul-Hajj brings a closure to the Islamic year while Muharram provides the start and…