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islamabad high court

No-Confidence Vote Shakes Pakistan

Asif Khan Islamabad: Pakistan is navigating an exceptionally challenging phase. While the country's political path has been marked by adversity since its inception, the current political turmoil presents an unparalleled threat to its…

The Lawless Lawmen!

Asem Mustafa Awan These are a few images that show how the law of the land has deteriorated over time. These very officials are supposed to uphold the law but they act to the contrary. It has been days since the police, with great…

Politics Impacting Food Security

Asem Mustafa Awan Islamabad: The situation in Pakistan, as well as in many other countries facing similar challenges, highlights the intricate relationship between political stability and food security.The convergence of economic,…

The Fallen Agents of Democracy

Ishtiaq Ahmed There are many damaging aspects of the current political malaise in Pakistan but perhaps the most damaging is the loss of public faith in politicians and the political institutions- the supposed agents of democracy. The…