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Trudging Along

Asem Mustafa Awan The family of six all huddled together and trudging along on a cheap motorcycle may bring smiles to many but this is the life of many, and the number exceeds hundreds of millions. He is one of the blessed few in…

Bahistis Exist Even Today!

Asem Mustafa Awan Islamabad: They are called ‘Bahistis’ and the closest translation to this word is ‘the one who resides in heaven’. Entrusted with the task of quenching their thirst, they were considered the life saviours in the past…

Benevolence Is Divine

Pakistan In Picture Asem Mustafa Awan The benevolence is a divine blessing and the roadside hotel has its owner having it in abundance where he doles out food for the needy while serving the customers at the same time. This…