Tackling Climate, AI Together


Shazia Mehboob

Islamabad:Duri ng the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Summit in Astana, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres emphasized the imperative of resolving deep global divisions and conflicts.

He underscored the necessity of addressing two critical global threats: climate change and the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI).

Guterres emphasized that peace is the central goal of our multilateral system, a precondition for sustainable development and the enjoyment of human rights. The SCO, as the world’s largest regional security body, has both the power and the responsibility to push for this peace, he noted.

The Secretary-General’s call for peace spans multiple regions embroiled in conflict, from the Middle East to Ukraine, Sudan to the Sahel, and beyond.

He highlighted the necessity of peace in Afghanistan, calling for an inclusive government that respects human rights and integrates into the international community to prevent it from becoming a hotbed of terrorism again.

This message was particularly poignant given the context of the summit, held amid raging wars, geopolitical divides, and backsliding on sustainable development. 

Guterres underscored that these global challenges cannot be solved on a country-by-country basis, urging a reaffirmation of our common commitment to multilateralism, with the United Nations at its center.

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The UN chief’s speech also addressed the urgent need for collective action on the climate emergency and the rapid advancement of digital technologies, particularly AI.

UN climate experts have confirmed that 2023 was the hottest year on record, and without significant intervention, it could soon be seen as one of the coolest years in a rapidly warming future.

“Our climate is breaking down,” Guterres warned, citing devastating impacts already evident worldwide in the form of melting glaciers, deadly floods, storms, droughts, and extreme heatwaves.

He called for ambitious measures to slash greenhouse gas emissions and achieve climate justice, particularly targeting the world’s biggest emitters.

Guterres urged all governments to submit new Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) by next year, fully aligned with the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

These NDCs should include absolute emissions reduction targets for 2030 and 2035 and outline plans for critical global transitions, such as ending deforestation, tripling renewable energy capacity, and reducing fossil fuel production and consumption by at least 30 percent by 2030.

The role of finance in supporting climate action was also highlighted, with a call for a strong financial outcome from COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, in November.

Guterres stressed the need to increase the lending capacity of Multilateral Development Banks and attract more private capital for climate initiatives.

Developed countries should double their financing for climate adaptation and fulfill their commitments, including substantial contributions to the new Loss and Damage Fund.

Additionally, the Secretary-General advocated for innovative financial mechanisms, including carbon pricing and taxes on the windfall profits of fossil fuel companies. He urged early adopters to implement solidarity levies on sectors such as shipping, aviation, and fossil fuel extraction by COP29.

Turning to AI, Guterres highlighted its transformative potential in accelerating sustainable development while cautioning that AI is advancing faster than regulatory frameworks can keep up.

This rapid advancement risks exacerbating power imbalances, concentrating wealth, undermining human rights, and increasing global tensions.

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To tackle these challenges, the UN chief’s Advisory Body on AI has identified five key priorities: establishing an international scientific panel on AI, initiating regular policy dialogues, developing common ethics and standards for AI, ensuring governance of AI training data, and supporting capacity building in developing countries through a global fund. 

Additionally, Guterres proposed creating a streamlined and adaptable UN AI Office to coordinate and enhance these initiatives.

As we look toward the upcoming Summit of the Future, there is hope that this can be a turning point in renewing global unity and addressing the existential threats facing humanity. 

The Secretary-General’s call to action is clear: collective, multilateral action is the only way to navigate these challenges and secure a sustainable and equitable future for all.

In the face of unprecedented global challenges, the SCO has the unique opportunity to lead by example.

By fostering peace and championing cooperative efforts to combat climate change and regulate AI, this regional bloc can make a significant impact on the global stage.

Now is the time for leaders to seize this pivotal moment for collective action and demonstrate their commitment to building a better world for future generations.

The writer is a freelance investigative journalist and editor of the PenPK.com. 

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