Syed Noor’s Comment on Failure of Jannat Mirza’s Film

News Desk 

Islamabad: Renowned Pakistani filmmaker Syed Noor recently addressed the topic of actress Jannat Mirza’s venture into film and its subsequent lack of success.

In a widely circulated clip from a recent interview, Noor discussed Mirza’s background as an educated individual from a respectable family who initially had no aspirations towards acting.

Instead, she primarily identified herself as a TikTok personality with a massive following.

Noor noted that despite her involvement in the Punjabi film “Tere Bajre Di Rakhi,” Mirza’s lack of interest in acting became evident.

He highlighted that her immense popularity on social media did not translate into box office success, indicating that her fans did not necessarily show up to support her on the big screen.

The filmmaker emphasized that while Mirza may not have found success in the film industry, she had already achieved considerable fame through her online presence.

He suggested that the failure of the film did not significantly impact her, as she had already attained the level of recognition she desired.

In essence, Noor conveyed that for Mirza, the film was just another endeavor, and its outcome did not significantly affect her due to her prior accomplishments and established fan base.

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