Swift Decisions Key in Crisis Communication: Munir



Islamabad: “Timely and transparent communication plays a vital role in crisis management, enabling strategists to swiftly resolve emergencies,” remarked Arshad Munir, Executive Director General of the Information Service Academy.

Addressing attendees at a one-day training session titled ‘Communication Crisis’ held on Tuesday by the Information Service Academy in partnership with MarCom (a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK), Munir expressed optimism that the training would significantly contribute to professional development.

It would enhance the capacity of Ministry of Information and Broadcasting officers to effectively handle crisis situations by ensuring the timely and efficient dissemination of accurate information to the public.

The seminar discussed various technologies, systems, and protocols essential for organizations to communicate effectively during reputation-threatening crises.

Its primary objective was to equip officers with the requisite skills and knowledge for managing communications during crises.

Muhammad Shahzad, Director General of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, underscored the importance of Public Relations Officers (PROs) employing strategic empathy and compassion in communication to humanize the organization and ensure the dissemination of accurate news.

He cautioned against relying on guesswork or assumptions during crises and stressed the critical need for verifying information accuracy.

Shahzad emphasized the necessity for crisis communication specialists to make prompt decisions and respond effectively in unstable situations while maintaining information confidentiality.

He advocated for implementing stringent measures against employees who disclose information to external parties, deeming such actions highly unprofessional, unethical, and damaging to the organization’s reputation.

Furthermore, Shahzad emphasized the importance of PROs recognizing the crisis’s impact on affected individuals and tailoring communications accordingly.

Sardar Zaheer, MarCom (a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing), highlighted the significance of crisis communication policies.

He emphasized the need for structured frameworks to effectively navigate crises and deliver accurate, timely information to the media.

Sajid Gondal, Director of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan, emphasized promoting effective workplace communication during emergency situations.

He stressed the importance of employees having easy access to their superiors’ offices to discuss critical issues and collaborate on finding mutually acceptable solutions.

Additionally, Gondal emphasized the seamless flow of information across all departments in the desired format.

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