Swat: A Site of Archaeological Wonders, Tourist Hotspot


Swat, well known as the home of Gandhara civilization and its archaeological wonders, draws a large number of domestic and international visitors, monks and Buddhists each year owing to its hypnotic natural beauty, cultural history, and primitive architecture.

An amalgamation of natural beauty and cultural heritage, it was previously known as Uddiyana Kingdom where every stupa and carved stone tells its own unique story.

The Gandhara civilization moved along the Indus River through Talia up to interior Sindh.

Swat museum, Mehmood Ghaznavi mosque Odigram, Obaghat and rock carvings of Khazana Ghat Charai Madyan, Gogdara and Saidustupa, PanrJambilKhwar, Ram Throne, Jehanabad Buddha statue, Tokar Dara Najigramstupa and monasteries of Butkara-I and II, are the most frequented tourist sites.

Tourists are being seen in large numbers at historic AmlokDara, Shingardar and Gumbatonastupas besides Ghaligay Buddha statue and archaeological remains of Shahkot Pass Elephant Paw, Queens Throne and Nemogramstupa. Swat museum has a wide range of collection of Buddhists stupas, and Gandhara artefacts and sculptures.

The Land for Buddhists

Swat, the land of beauty, is celebrated throughout the world as the holy land of Buddhist learning and piety. It acquired fame as a place of Buddhist pilgrimage. Buddhist tradition holds that the Buddha himself came to Swat during his last reincarnation as the Guatama Buddha and preached to the people here.

Recently, a 20-member delegation of Thailand led by the celebrated Thai monk Arayawangso visited Swat museum, Saidu stupa and Butkara Buddhists site along with his 20 disciples.

Arayawangso has written a detailed book on significance and placement of Ghandhara in Buddhist world, calling it the land of wisdom and enlightenment. With his disciples, Arayawangso visited different heritage Buddhist sites where he paid his respects.

Praising rich and multi-cultural heritage of Pakistan, he encouraged people to visit Swat to promote religious tourism and lauded the untiring efforts of the KP government and Directorate of Archaeology& Museums, KP for preserving and maintaining these sites.

“Swat archaeological treasures are beyond one’s imagination besides its glorious history,” said Archaeology and Museums Department Senior Curator Mian Wahab Shah.

He said a visitor could not remain unimpressed after visiting artefacts and statutes-rich Swat museum located on Mingora-Saidu Sharif Road where Lord Buddha statue takes tourists and archaeologists to ancient past.

Ancient History

Swat was an important province of Persia during reign of King Darrius I (522-486 BC) for 200 years till Alexander the Great conquered it in 327 BC and Mauryan dynasty recaptured Swat in 305 BC. It was followed by Parthian’s rule over the region some 55 years later while the western Hellenistic influence came with the arrival of Indo-Greeks in around 180 BC.

Kuhsanas had got control of Gandhara in the first century AD and founded Kushan Empire comprising present-day Pakistan, Iran, Kabul valley, Northern India, and parts of Kashmir.   Buddhism had flourished when Kushan King Kanishka (127-150 AD) converted to it and from here, Buddhism travelled to China, Japan and beyond.

Swat had served as one of the most significant centres of Gandhara civilization since first century BC and nursed other civilizations at the same time as Kanishka supported other religions as well. Kanishka called the fourth Buddhist Council in Peshawar in 78 AD and about 500 Buddhist monks, who attended the council, worked on preservation of oral traditions of Buddha, and fully patronised Gandhara culture. The whole life cycle of Buddha was engraved in stone, which is still available in Peshawar museum.

Engr Faras Khan, a resident of Peshawar,  has recommended showcasing these archaeological treasures through digital and social media to attract foreign tourists and to bring about economic prosperity not only in Swat or KP but also in the entire country.

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