Sponsor Marine Conservation Of Niue Under $150

News Desk

New York: We’ve been going to conferences for so long, telling our story, but it seemed like we weren’t getting anywhere. I have come to view summits as “talkfests with no action”, said Niue Premier Dalton Tagelagi.

Niue, sometimes called ‘the Rock of Polynesia’, is one of the largest coral atolls in the world. Located halfway between Fiji and the Cook Islands, its vast waters are home to coral reefs and undersea mountains that host diverse species, including sharks, dolphins, turtles, and more.

However, finding the resources to protect these habitats from the threats of illegal fishing, climate change, and pollution has proven challenging for one of the world’s smallest self-governing nations.

Through a novel scheme announced this week by the tiny island of Niue, you can now directly sponsor marine conservation across one km2 of the Pacific Ocean for less than $150.

Under the new plan, companies, philanthropies, and individuals can pay 250 New Zealand dollars (US $149) to protect and manage one or more km2 of water, called Ocean Conservation Commitments (OCCs).

It’s very exciting that the government itself is sponsoring 1,700 units, one for each of the island’s residents, said Tagelagi.

There are 127,000 OCCs in total, corresponding to the size in km2of Niue’s “no-take” protected marine zone which represents 40 percent of its overall sovereign waters.

Niue is thus hoping to raise $18 million through the initiative which covers a period of 20 years.


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