Situational: Erdogan wins the Turkiye Presidential run-off elections

Ishtiaq Ahmed
London: President Recep Tayyip Erdogan wins a historic third term by 52.16 per cent in the second presidential run-off elections. The second run-off was following his failed attempt to win the overall majority on May 14th.
Erdogan won the presidential run-off against Kemal Kilocdaraglu from 52.16 per cent to 47.84 per cent.
Erdogan has been in power for over 20 years, first as the prime minister and then as the President of Turkiye. He is now elected for a further of term of five years.
For a short while his return to power seemed vulnerable as his opponent mounted a powerful challenge questioning Erdogan’s track record on economy, high inflation, human rights abuses and curtailing freedom of press and speech.

However, he could not achieve the winning outcome as Erdogan retained and consolidated his support in rural areas against the declining support in a large metropolis like Istanbul.
Erdogan is known for his independent foreign policy. Whilst being the only Muslim member of NATO, under Erdogan Turkiye has successfully been able to maintain diplomatic and business links with NATO and Russia, most recently playing a brokering role in the release of grain during the current Ukrainian war.
Turkiye is presently only one of a few Muslim countries with a stable democracy in the Muslim world torn by internal political crisis, foreign occupations, dictatorships, and archaic regimes.
The heads of UK, USA, Brazil, France, Russia and others have been quick to welcome Erdogan’s victory.
Erdogan has some serious challenges before him. The Turkish economy is in crisis; the inflation is sky high, declining support in urban areas, alleged abuses of human rights, and restrictions of speech and press.

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