Silent Screams:Unveiling Plight of Veiled Vendors

Silent Screams: Unveiling the Plight of Veiled Vendors

Asem Mustafa Awan

In the shadows of a conservative society, where religious values are held dear, veiled women are pushed to the brink of desperation, compelling them to emerge from the sanctity of their homes in search of a livelihood.

This poignant photograph captures a moment of intimacy between a mother and her daughter, the latter shyly withdrawing from the public gaze while the mother remains focused on the meager goods displayed on a small table.

These veiled women, with their modest merchandise worth only a few hundred rupees, become sporadically visible, only surfacing when their basic needs go unmet. Each of them, with her humble inventory, carries a story that could soften even the hardest heart.

Contrary to their dignified lives indoors, they find themselves sitting in the cold, clad in inadequate clothing, not by choice but by the relentless pangs of hunger and an unresponsive state. The struggle for survival in the ‘Land of the Pure’ becomes a daunting challenge for these women.

As tales of desperation unfold daily, families resort to unthinkable measures due to financial strife. In a nation where even paying utility bills becomes a matter of life and death, these women are left with no choice but to face the harsh realities of life head-on.

People in Pakistan find themselves unable to afford proper burials for their loved ones, with graveyards displaying contact details for those unable to meet the financial demands. This stark reality exposes the strained relationship between the state and its citizens.

Government-initiated programs, designed with noble intent to aid the needy, are marred by the persistent plague of corruption. Despite ongoing efforts to instill transparency, the embezzlement of funds, amounting to millions, remains an insidious issue.

The Zakat Fund, Baitul Maal, Benazir Income Support, Ehsaas Bachat Programme, and countless other schemes intended to uplift the disadvantaged fall prey to the greed of corrupt officials. The misappropriation of funds in the name of the destitute reflects a systemic failure in accountability.

In a country where the web of justice is as fragile as a spider’s silk, the powerful plunderers and looters continue to roam freely, leaving the cries of the oppressed unheard. It’s time to break through this delicate web and demand a stronger, more resilient system that protects the rights and dignity of every citizen.

The writer is a journalist based in Islamabad and writes on a wide range of issues.

Photo Credit: Khurram Butt

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