Shab-e-Meraj To Be Observed Tonight
Islamabad: Muslims worldwide, including in Pakistan will observe Shab-e-Meraj tonight with great religious devotion and sanctity.
Special prayers will be offered in mosques to seek Allah’s mercy and forgiveness, while religious scholars will highlight the significance of the event and its teachings in Islam, reported a private news channel.
On the occasions of Mahafil-e-Naat special gatherings will also be organized at various venues.
Houses, mosques, and streets have been adorned with colourful lights, candles, and buntings to celebrate the occasion.
Shab-e-Meraj, observed annually on the 27th night of Rajab, commemorates the miraculous night’s journey of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to the heavens.
The word “Meraj” is derived from the Arabic word Urooj, meaning ascension and the event holds immense significance in Islamic history as a symbol of spiritual elevation and closeness to Allah.
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