Senate Approves Inaugural Water Caucus

News Desk

Islamabad: The Senate unanimously sanctioned the formation of the inaugural Parliamentary Caucus on water resources during its session on Tuesday.

Senator Saadia Abbasi of PML-N initiated the proposal in the presence of the Senate Chairman, Sadiq Sanjrani, in the 334th meeting.

In her presentation, the Senator referenced Rule 204 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, highlighting the authorization for the Chairman of the Senate to establish a Parliamentary Caucus on Water Resources.

This caucus would include members from the Senate of Pakistan, with the Minister for Water Resources serving as an ex-officio member.

Considering the absence of the National Assembly and the Parliament’s sole existence being the Senate, Senator Abbasi outlined the process for nominations within the Senate for the Caucus. She proposed granting the Senate Chairman authority to nominate members and modify the caucus composition when necessary, with logistical support provided by the Senate Secretariat.

Following her statement, the Chairman of the Senate conducted a poll among the members, resulting in unanimous approval and consensus within the House for her motion.

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