Saba Faisal Flooded with Marriage Proposals from Young Admirers

News Desk

Islamabad: The well-known and senior actress of the Pakistan showbiz industry, Saba Faisal, recently revealed that even at her age, she receives marriage proposals from 22-year-old youths.

During a guest appearance on a private TV program, the host asked if she had ever encountered an overly enthusiastic fan.

Saba Faisal responded that while she hadn’t encountered such fans in person, she does receive messages from young admirers.

She recounted one incident where a 22-year-old fan messaged her, expressing willingness to leave everything for her if she gave the green signal for marriage.

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Responding humorously, Saba Faisal remarked that she jokingly asked the fan if they would seek her hand from her 9-year-old grandson.

Saba Faisal shared that she even reads such messages to her husband of 40 years. Despite their long marriage, her husband still Saba Faisal shared that she even reads such messages to her husband of 40 years.

Despite their long marriage, her husband still expresses love through lengthy messages, especially since Saba stays in Karachi more often due to work commitments.

In response to his romantic messages, Saba Faisal expressed her gratitude over phone calls, which her husband sometimes jokingly complains about, saying she never responds to him romantically.

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