RTI Request Breathes New Life into Kotri Barrage Monument


News Desk 

Islamabad: In July 2023, Boota Imtiaz, a dedicated human rights defender and award-winning Right to Information (RTI) activist, embarked on a mission to safeguard the cultural heritage of his community. 

Armed with a deep sense of responsibility and a commitment to transparency, he submitted an RTI request to the Deputy Commissioner of Jamshoro.

His goal was simple yet profound: to obtain information about the steps and measures taken to renovate and construct a monument dedicated to a boat and fisherman located at the start of Kotri Barrage, Jamshoro.

This monument, constructed over a decade ago by a private firm using its own resources, held immense significance for the local fishing community. 

It symbolized their rich heritage and cultural identity, intricately linked to the river and its ecosystem. However, the passage of time had not been kind to the monument. 

It had deteriorated significantly, and the fishing community, whose livelihoods depended on the river, expressed growing concern over its neglected state.

Imtiaz’s RTI request, filed under Article 19-A of the Constitution of Pakistan and the Sindh Transparency and Right to Information Act of 2016, aimed to address these concerns.

Despite the initial request and subsequent follow-ups, the response from the Deputy Commissioner’s office was frustratingly delayed.

This prompted Imtiaz to file multiple complaints and appeals with the Sindh Information Commission, emphasizing the urgency of the matter.

The first request highlighted the need for information about the renovation and maintenance plans for the monument. However, the response from the Deputy Commissioner was unsatisfactory, prompting Imtiaz to escalate the issue. 

The Sindh Information Commission issued a second notice, reiterating the importance of the requested information and the legal obligation to provide it.

The struggle for transparency continued as multiple notices and appeals followed. 

The Sindh Information Commission repeatedly directed the Deputy Commissioner to provide the necessary information, underscoring the constitutional right to information and the need for government accountability.

By November 2023, the situation had reached a critical point. The Commission issued a final notice, mandating the Deputy Commissioner to appear in person, provide the requested information, and explain the reasons for the delay.

Failure to comply would result in legal action and potential penalties under the Sindh Transparency and Right to Information Act, 2016.

In December 2023, the persistence of Imtiaz and the pressure from the Sindh Information Commission finally bore fruit. 

The Deputy Commissioner’s office responded, acknowledging the monument’s poor condition and the lack of available funds for its repair. 

They indicated that plans were being made to include the monument’s rehabilitation in future development projects, subject to the Election Commission of Pakistan’s removal of current bans on new development schemes.

As the new year dawned in 2024, significant progress had been made in restoring the monument at Kotri Barrage.

Following the Deputy Commissioner’s acknowledgment of the monument’s deteriorated state and the subsequent advocacy by Boota Imtiaz and the fishing community, a collaborative effort was initiated to restore the memorial.

The restoration work focused on repairing structural damages, cleaning and preserving the monument’s artistic features, and improving the surrounding area to enhance its accessibility and appeal to visitors.

The renewed monument now stands as a revitalized symbol of the fishing community’s heritage, reflecting their cultural identity and resilience.

This successful restoration underscores the power of community action and the importance of preserving historical landmarks.

The series of RTI requests and subsequent proceedings highlight the challenges in ensuring government transparency and accountability.

They also underscore the vital role of activists like Boota Imtiaz in advocating for the rights of local communities.

The monument at Kotri Barrage now stands as a testament to the fishing community’s heritage and the ongoing struggle for transparency and responsible governance in Pakistan.

Through his unwavering efforts, Boota Imtiaz not only preserved a piece of cultural history but also set a powerful example of how determined activism can lead to meaningful change.

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