RTI Act: Potent Tool  to Combat Corruption

News Desk

Peshawar: The Right to Information Act (RTI) is a potent tool to fight corruption and an effective strategy for advancing democratic ideology, thus making the government system accountable to the public, said Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Information Commission (KPIC) Assistant Director of Communication Syed Saadat Jahan.

These observations were made at a seminar arranged by KPIC on Wednesday at Jirga Hall Jamrud. The seminar was conducted to sensitize village secretaries and chairmen of district Khyber, who are notified as Public Information Officers (PIOs) under the Local Government Department KP notification in November 2022.

Syed Saadat Jahan imparted a detailed lecture on the procedure for public information provision. He asserted that, as PIOs, it is your duty to facilitate and guide individuals, especially the illiterate section of society.

“KPIC is committed to educating every single citizen regarding this law to ensure transparency in the province,” the assistant director added.

More than 100 village council secretaries and chairpersons participated in the seminar.

The seminar was part of the KPIC and Governance and Policy Project Merged Areas collaboration project awareness seminars on RTI law in newly merged districts of KP.

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