Resilient Survivors

Asem Mustafa Awan

Islamabad: Fearlessness and resilience is their characteristic, they have survived all death, disease, and hunger and have learned to live in the harshest of environment without giving up their quest.

The future is bleak for many millions as many millions are below the poverty line in Pakistan and more are likely to join with little hope in sight.

They are alive as they have a mission and that mission is to survive like many millions who are trapped in the ever-squeezing web of deceit and lies harped by the policymakers of Pakistan.

In waist-deep water, they collect vegetables that have swum across, this treasured food will keep them going for a few days as a heavy downpour in Lahore, the provincial capital of Punjab, opens up both opportunities and misfortune alike for different segments of society.

This picture depicts many things, especially on micro and macro levels. The tall claims of the government are summed up in this picture that tells it all.

The water that strands on the road promises more money for the department responsible for sewerage as what is done in the past stands wasted and more money is promised that will be ‘loot’ shared from top to bottom.

The corruption tales if in truth exposed will put the entire world in bewilderment as this can happen in the Islamic Republic and none is held accountable.

The photographer stands where, is another question but he must have moved through water to take the snap that is a slap at the face of all development claims.

The risk taken by the small children all ten and under, for food, display how the welfare system has deteriorated. The poor have been overlooked for long in the land of the pure and bins and dumps seen across Pakistan is regular visiting site for a number of children looking up for food, fighting dogs, and the like.

The real fight should be against the people who have made Pakistan suffer for decades and now this pandemonium should end as millions have suffered and this misery continues unabated.

The writer is a journalist based in Islamabad and writes on a wide range of issues.

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