RCB Discarded 700 Liter Adulterated Milk


News Desk

Rawalpindi: In a joint operation of Rawalpindi Cantonment Board (RCB) and Punjab Food Authority (PFA), 700 liters of adulterated milk was discarded. 

The operation was conducted on special instructions of CEO RCB Syed Ali Irfan here on Wednesday. 

According to the details, the Milk Lab of PFA was called by the RCB’s chief for the joint operation during which various shops were randomly visited to conduct tests for contents present in milk being sold by the shopkeepers. 

During tests, harmful and injurious contents were found in the milk samples. In some other samples, the water content was found to be more than 50 percent in the milk. 

In-charge Milk and Meat Cell Rana Shoaib was also present during testing. 700 liters of milk was found to be adulterated and harmful to health, water and chemicals were found in the milk and the milk was low in fat and natural nutritious ingredients, which was destroyed on the spot. 

Syed Ali Irfan, CEO RCB while appreciating the operation instructed the concerned department to further enhance testing activities on a regular basis. Those involved in criminal activities of selling adulterated milk would be treated with law, he said.

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