Rare Decision: A Gujarat Court Blames Cow Slaughter for Global Issues 

News Desk

Gujarat: A district court in the Indian state of Gujarat has sentenced a 22-year-old man to life imprisonment and imposed a fine of Rs 500,000 on him for illegally transporting cattle. Principal District Judge Sameer Vinodchandra Vyas of the Tapi District Court in the Gujarat said that if cow slaughter is stopped, all the problems of this world will be solved.

According to an Indian news agency report, the court was hearing a case related to the illegal transportation of more than 16 cows, where the man was arrested in August last year.

Sameer Vinodchandra wrote in his judgment that houses made of cow dung will not be affected by radiation as a result of a nuclear attack and that “cow urine” is a cure for many deadly diseases. He further added that the word ‘religion’ actually came from the cow.

However, despite the claims of the judge, there is no proven scientific reference for all these things.

The order was issued by the judge Vyas in November expressing dissatisfaction over the non-implementation of all the cow protection measures. He further wrote that cow is not only an animal but also a mother; no one can deny cow’s worship and sanctity in the entire universe.

The district judge also linked cow slaughter with climate change and said that the problems that exist today are due to increased anger and hot temper. The only reason for the increase is cow slaughter, until it is completely banned, the world cannot recover from the effects of climate change.

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