Quetta Admin Fires 1400 Daily Wage Workers

News Desk

Quetta: As many as 1,400 daily wage employees of the Quetta Metropolitan Corporation have been terminated after the discovery of several ghost employees within the organization.

Quetta Commissioner and Metropolitan Corporation Administrator Muhammad Hamza Shafqaat stated that the terminated employees, who were becoming a financial burden on the institution, included workers from various departments, including sanitation and fire services.

Muhammad Hamza explained that the action is taken to streamline operations and remove non-performing employees.

Shafqaat further clarified that only those employees in the fire department who were regularly fulfilling their duties would be rehired by the Metropolitan Corporation. Hamza assured that any future recruitment would be carefully assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Additionally, the administrator has instructed relevant officers not to issue salaries to any daily wage employees after August 16, ensuring that no payments are made to those no longer employed by the corporation.

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