Queen Elizabeth II dies at 96

News Desk

LONDON: Her Majesty, the Queen, Elizabeth II, the monarch head of Britain and Commonwealth, has sadly passed away today, leaving the British nation feeling intensely sad. She will be enormously missed by the nation and beyond, for being a pillar of strength, stability and continuity. It is a moment of serenity, sadness and personal loss for millions of her subjects and beyond.

Her Majesty was taken ill earlier today at Balmoral in Scotland where she was currently resting. Her close family members traveled to be with her.

The Elizabeth II was born on 21 April 1926, the older of the King’s two daughters, next in line to succeed him. She was officially crowned Queen Elizabeth II on 2nd June 1953 at age of 27. She is now 96 years of age.

Elizabeth II was the longest serving monarch seeing 15 prime ministers of the U.K. come and go during her reign.

On learning about her death, tributes led by all party political leaders throughout U.K. and the heads of states from around are pouring in,  an evidence of her popularity across different political spectrums and international divides.

Elizabeth II was not only the head of State of U.K. but also the head of the Commonwealth, a voluntary association of 56 independent and equal countries, the vast majority including Pakistan are former territories of the British domain.

Already, assessments of her legacy are being widely discussed and shared. British news media has suspended all other reporting thus dedicating all broadcasts to Her Majesty’s death and legacy.

  1. Ishtiaq Ahmed says

    70 years of reign, the longest serving head of state, 70 years of continuity and stability, 15 British Prime ministers to have come and gone under her watch, world wide respect and acknowledgment , it Is legacy to behold and cherish. The stability of British democracy owes much to her, maybe a contradiction for the purest but nonetheless very true.

  2. Sofia Buncy says

    Thank you for this considered article on HRH. She was a stalwart for so many Britains and people across the globe.

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