Quaid-e-Azam Library Returns Gloriously

Abdul Shakoor Khan

Quetta: As the doors of the centennial Ziarat library opened with a creaking sound, a wave of emotions swept through the local community, echoing sentiments of hope, nostalgia, and anticipation for knowledge.

After nearly two long decades of silence—since the library was demolished in 2007 to expand the Deputy Commissioner’s office—the once vibrant hub of knowledge and imagination had finally returned to life.

For many, the sight of familiar shelves now filled with books waiting to be explored evoked memories of a bygone British era. Established in 1907, the library had once served as a beacon of learning and discovery.

As patrons stepped inside the newly reopened Quaid-e-Azam Public Library after 17 years, their eyes sparkled with excitement, mingled with a hint of reverence for a space that had remained dormant for so long.

The air was thick with anticipation, as if every book held the promise of a brighter future. It was a momentous occasion for the entire community and a testament to the resilience and enduring power of knowledge.

Quaid-e-Azam Library Ziarat Returns Gloriously

Shocked & Speechless

“I was shocked and speechless when I was told that I was running my office on the remains of a centennial library—once a vibrant hub of knowledge and learning,” said former Deputy Commissioner of Ziarat, Hamood-ur-Rehman.

Narrating the challenges of excavating the library site and restoring it to its original layout, he remarked, “In my first briefing, it was astonishingly revealed that a century-old library had been demolished to expand the DC office.”

“Feeling guilty, I decided to revive this historic library,” Hamood-ur-Rehman continued. “The building was erected afresh, and students and bibliophiles were asked to donate books. The overwhelming response astonished me, as local and foreign donors contributed hundreds of books to the library in less than a month.”

“Despite the challenges, our dream of restoring this library to its original architectural layout at its historic site has finally come true,” said Rehman. 

By maintaining the building’s original condition and honoring its narrative of tutelage, it has been transformed into a library that is now a beacon of knowledge and beauty. It blends the old with the new to create a space for learning, showcasing a delicate balance between preservation and progress.Quaid-e-Azam Library Ziarat Returns Gloriously

“Amidst issues such as time and resource constraints, the team preserved the building’s historical essence, creating a vibrant space for future generations,” stated Behram Baloch, the project architect. 

“The challenging task was adhering to the guidelines of the Burra Charter and the Florence Declaration to maintain the building’s original fabric, define its cultural significance, and ensure authenticity during the restoration process.”

Although the Deputy Commissioner of Ziarat was a pioneer in this endeavor, people from beyond borders, civil society, and the parliament also played significant roles in reviving this historic library.

“I was a Senator when the project was initiated and I also donated many books,” said Mir Sarfaraz Bugti, Chief Minister of Balochistan. “As Chief Minister of Balochistan, I fully support the idea of making libraries functional, as they transform society and guarantee the bright future of any nation.”

“Libraries serve as hubs of knowledge and community empowerment,” Bugti added. “In a region where access to education and resources is limited, libraries play a pivotal role in providing learning opportunities.”

Reading Culture Flourishes

The growing trend of book reading in Balochistan is a promising development, signaling a shift towards learning and literacy. “The moment I crossed the threshold, I felt a sense of excitement mingled with profound gratitude for the restoration of a knowledge facility that had been closed for so long,” said Safiullah, a visitor to the library.

“As I wandered through the aisles, running my fingers over the spines of books, I marveled at the wealth of knowledge,” Safiullah continued. “But as I settled in a corner with a book, I felt a surge of inspiration fueling my passion for knowledge and thirst for discovery. Here, I found not just a place to study, but a sanctuary—a refuge from the chaos of the outside world,” he narrated.Quaid-e-Azam Library Ziarat Returns GloriouslyThe newly reconstructed Quaid library is hoped to serve not only as a repository of books but also as a symbol of resilience, heritage, and progress. “Although we are still busy with the classification of books, the response from students, the community, and tourists has been overwhelming,” stated Muhammad Idrees, the Deputy Librarian. “Every day, someone calls to donate more books.”

“This is inspiring as we are pleased with the young generation’s quest for knowledge and cultural history, which will hopefully strengthen the bonds of mutual love and harmony,” he commented. Students, researchers, and civil society representatives have also praised this initiative.

Library: Heaven, Hope

Student Bashir Khan Kakar described it as a heaven and a beacon of hope, while Bari Baloch, Chairman of Zind Academy, termed it a good omen for Balochistan students in their pursuit of knowledge.

The efforts of individuals like Dr Lal Khan Kakar should also be recognized. As Chairman of the Shaheed Baz Mohammad Kakar Foundation, he has established 15 libraries in different parts of the province, providing youth with ample opportunities for learning. 

Quaid-e-Azam Public Library

It is also noteworthy that at two separate book festivals in Makran in February 2023, books worth a record Rs 5.4 million were sold.

Baloch students attending these events purchased three times more books compared to annual literary festivals elsewhere.

The feature report was released by APP. All information and facts provided are the sole responsibility of the writer.

Photo Credit: Abdul Shakoor Khan

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