Prophet’s Mosque Draws 20 Million Pilgrims During Ramazan

News Desk 

Islamabad: Over 20 million pilgrims from across the globe visited and prayed at the Prophet’s Mosque complex in Madinah during the first 20 days of Ramazan, Saudi media, quoting Saudi authorities, reported on Saturday.

The General Authority for the Care of the Affairs of the Prophet’s Mosque stated that it had “increased its efforts to assist visitors during the holy month” and reported a total of 19,899,991 pilgrims praying at the site.

The Authority further mentioned that 1,643,288 more individuals had visited Prophet Muhammad’s tomb, a crucial section of the mosque.

Additionally, Al-Rawdah Al-Sharifa received 655,227 visitors, comprising 358,632 men and 296,595 women. 

The Authority affirmed its commitment to ongoing efforts to deliver comprehensive services and ensure comfort for both visitors and worshippers.

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