Political Point Scoring On CPEC

Asem Mustafa Awan

Islamabad: Chinese authorities have expressed indifference to the statement made by Planning and Development Federal Minister Ahsan Iqbal regarding China’s concerns about the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government.

The ideas presented by the Federal Minister in a TV program have been denied by the Chinese authorities once again. He created a stir with his views that China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) was deliberately damaged during the PTI regime’ before leaving for China to attend a meeting on CPEC projects.

Ahsan Iqbal has claimed that China had tried to tell the former establishment not to experiment with PTI as if they had control and power, it would harm CPEC and Pakistan.

Iqbal also mentioned the name of a minister of the PTI in this regard, while the truth of the matter is that the current minister and the PTI minister had a bitter row in the past and that is part of the record.

After China’s denial, Minister Ahsan gave an explanation in a tweet, saying that “his statement was presented out of context in a television interview”.

People and businesses associated with CPEC projects have privately stated that transparent elections would be in Pakistan’s interest as they can ensure clarity.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other friendly countries have advised that a system should be in place as per the constitution and the federal minister’s statement, besides getting published, needs a probe.

The views expressed by Minister Iqbal were both seen and read by the public in the context of the intervention of the Chinese government in Pakistan’s affairs.

During this time, this topic was discussed in public gatherings: after the American intervention, will Pakistan form governments on the wishes and whims of friendly countries?

Federal Planning Minister should not have made such a statement. Other things can be taken out of context but no matter how many words are moved back and forth in the sentences, the meaning does not change.

PTI Leader Shah Mahmood Qureshi has condemned the minister for making unverified allegations against his party.

With this condemnation, Qureshi has said in his response that “China and Pakistan have a brotherhood that is ironclad, and the accusation of interference in Pakistani affairs is baseless and insulting”.

Former Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood informed about the progress made on CPEC projects during the tenure of his party and listed completed projects.

The CPEC from the very beginning raised eyebrows and international politics created scepticism. Iqbal’s views at such a juncture depict Pakistan’s political leadership creating mistrust for its own political interests.

The Army has been entrusted with the CPEC project to maintain security, while what is coming up in front of it is internal problems which in a way undermine Pakistan’s sovereignty.

Ahsan Iqbal represents the State of Pakistan, and his position is higher than that of his political affiliations and party alliances.

Pakistan doesn’t interfere in other countries affairs and the same goes for China, which has adopted a non-interfering stance in Pakistan’s politics.

Loose talk from state officials is deplorable as it creates an air of mistrust.

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